Who are you Hitaku ?
I plan to study science computer (idk how to translate it sooo...) and hope to become a web dev
What I likes
anime, coding and webcreativity, cinema (cartoons, series, movies), me, colorful (but not too much) things (always wearing dark clothes), listen to music, silence, drawing (sometimes), learning sience computer stuff, plushies, laughing with any person, taking pictures (a looottt of pictures), napping, T (my fabulous genualy amazing cousin), The amazing world of Gumball, and my lovely drama queen cat
- don’t have one, I have color period lol sometimes I like one color and 2month after I prefer another one
- coding, learning code stuff, reading, writing in my note app (paper isn’t my friend)
- idc, if it’s a toys I’ll play with it ! Buttt I very like plushies and i also have other childish things
Fun fact not fun
currently fine but tired like always
- I dont know what to say more so feel free to ask me question via the button at the right side :)